Decentralised Conspiracies and The Gay Agenda

How Conspirations Occur in Intrinsic Inclination Minorities

Elizabeth Kasprzyk
6 min readMay 5, 2023
Silly picture of the Gay Agenda as used in fridge magnets

A while ago, I wrote an article about how the intrinsic inclinations model gave rise to religion through the existence of statistical mechanics. In it I detail briefly the central idea that, because the intrinsic inclinations model can be described by numbers (it is quantifiable), and those numbers interact with each other in specific set ways, we can apply the same kind of maths (statistical mechanics) that we use on other similar systems where lots of things are interacting in specific set ways (atoms in a magnets, atoms in crystals, people in social networks and economies to name a few). You don’t need to read that article for this one to make sense, but in case you want to, the article is here.

There are many fun things that come out of thinking about intrinsic inclinations in this way, but sometimes strange things can drop out that require a little head scratching, and one of the unexpected ideas centres around conspiracies.

Anyone who belongs to the LGBTQ etc letter soup (which I tend to refer to as intrinsic inclination minorities) has been accused of engaging in a conspiracy at some point. At the moment, I have to deal daily with Transgender Rights Activists and the Gender Ideology conspiracy, but the most famous example of this is The Gay Agenda, which I now have to deal with thanks to my exposure at work to the American education system.

Most people will know that the Gay Agenda broadly posits that gay people are attempting to take over and force gay lifestyles on all people (usually in a country). There are lots of variants, and the internet is rife with them.

In general, my view of Conspiracies (note the capital) like the Gay Agenda Conspiracy are that they are basic harmful -isms (or phobias). The Gay Agenda is homophobia writ large, and an excuse to target LGB people. This is much like the way transgender people are targeted now with Gender Ideology.

The intrinsic inclinations model, however, says it isn’t so simple. Not only does a Gay Agenda exist, the transgender one does too, as does a wide array of other such Conspiracies. Only, they don’t exist the way we think they do.

Fight the System

The intrinsic inclinations model basically say that people have various things that make them LGBTQ etc. wired into their brains. We then see other people acting out those intrinsic inclinations and we identify with them. That’s how identity works in the intrinsic inclinations model.

Our dysphoria is how much difference we have to have between our how we act, and how we would want to act under the influence of our intrinsic inclinations. In an ideal society, we would minimise that dysphoria as much as possible so that no one had to feel more pain than they should from that dissonance.

But we do not live in an ideal society. In many ways, the societies we have now exist to amplify dysphoria. Whether it’s obvious stuff like homophobia, or less obvious stuff like the way modern capitalism gives no credence to allowing people to raise families because it regards children as bad (because they cost money and contribute nothing on the kind of time horizons most markets operate on), there are all kinds of forces that exist to destabilise us and make us unhappy, miserable and in pain.

We can choose to fight back to make the system hurt us less, and that’s where activism comes in. The challenge, at least from an intrinsic inclinations model perspective, is that different groups of us with different intrinsic inclination sets want different and sometimes conflicting things.

The Decentralised Conspiracy

We can’t see people’s intrinsic inclinations, but we can see the effects that come around from people having intrinsic inclinations and trying to reduce their dysphoria. And since people share intrinsic inclinations, then all of us share certain fights.

This creates a bizarre situation, where a whole lot of people who have never spoken to each other, don’t know each other and otherwise might not even like each other, can recognise and work together to fight for their common cause.

If you’re an outsider, this can look really weird. A whole bunch of people, who would, on average, probably cancel each other out, suddenly work together to achieve an aim. Out of nowhere, gay people are demanding equality and transgender people are demanding the right to transition and even certain people just want a quiet place to have a family and not worry about all the rest of the things that might get in the way.

If there are a bunch of people acting together and attempting to achieve an aim, then there must me a controlling, unifying force at work behind the scenes. This is mostly true for things like political parties, or the National Trust. But the reality is that, when it comes to intrinsic inclinations, we have a shadowy force working in the backgrounds — our brains — and we misattribute this effect to a real Conspiracy with a ruling council and everything.

These types of intrinsic inclination driven decentralised conspiracies are present everywhere, and we do not know how to deal with them. And so we have the Gay Agenda, the Transgender Rights Activists and other such Conspiracies. We don’t even have a word for decentralised conspiracies, so I’ve made one up to make the rest of this article work. I’m going to call it a conspiration.

Conspirations Abound!

Conspirations will occur everywhere in life where intrinsic inclinations are, and since intrinsic inclinations are everywhere, that means they are pretty much everywhere. However, as I’ve mentioned, you only tend to notice the ones that aren’t tied to your intrinsic inclination set. This means that people have different levels of perceptions of conspiracies.

People who have the majority intrinsic inclination sets of man and woman, tend to notice the Gay Agenda, the Feminist Agenda and the Gender Ideology conspirations. Each of those ties in with intrinsic inclinations that other people have, the Gay Agenda with sexual orientation, the Feminist Agenda with social gender role and Gender Ideology with internal sex.

But these conspirations don’t stop there. Lesbians and gays experience the evil trans conspiracy to ungayify people by force transitioning them, and gender variant people have the other evil trans conspiracy where we force transition people to make them gender conforming. Trans people have the truscum conspiracy, where you’re not doing the trans right unless you’re gender conforming and not gay. And I haven’t even touched on the evil bisexual conspiracy to erase sexual orientation and homosexuality because if everyone could love everyone then “oh noes!”, or the many other non-binary plots to remove sexual attraction, gender identity or what have you from contention.

Why We are All Plotting…

By misattributing an intrinsic inclination conspiration to a conspiracy, we create the idea that a particular conspiration can be stopped, if we could only find the supposed ring-leaders and remove them.

In some cases, as with religion, some of these conspirations do have real organised conspiracies attached to them to further them. A really good example in the UK is LGB Alliance, a real conspiracy formed out of gender variant people perception of transgender people, designed to fight back against the mythical evil Transgender Rights Activists.

The perception is that, if the conspiracy’s leadership can be decapitated and its members sufficiently persecuted, then the conspiracy can be silenced and even ended. With identity based conspirations, though, this aim is wildly optimistic. In many cases, the opposite occurs, since previously unradicalised and unactive people are now suddenly dragged into activism simply to survive. In many ways, identity based conspirations very much cannot be stopped, only managed and directed so that people do not harm each other, or outright suppressed, so that the fear of harm exceeds the real harm done from unexpressed intrinsic inclinations.

In the best cases, successfully managing an identity based conspiration is what the conspiracies attached to a conspiration should be about, but those that become the conspiration amplify and sow division and hatred. LGB Alliance is an excellent example of that, and there are parts of the Catholic Church’s history where we can see it both as a paragon of identity management and as an utter disaster visiting the vengeance of identity based grievances on people who have done nothing but to exist.


It’s a fundamental part of the intrinsic inclinations model that intrinsic inclination identities will start to form decentralised conspiracies, whose existence and effects we can see in the world. Mistaking those conspirations for real conspiracies leads to nothing but harm and suffering for all involved, and for outlandish crazy theories to explain the supposed conspiracy.



Elizabeth Kasprzyk

Elizabeth works writing software for an educational video streaming service and is also transgender.